How can we prove that #|m_l| <= l#, i.e. that the magnetic quantum number can be no bigger than #l#, and no more negative than #-l#?

This is something I will answer myself, because I think it's actually a rather cool use of ladder operators.

1 Answer
Jan 18, 2018

By using the ladder operators, we derived:

#barul|stackrel(" ")(" "l(l+1) >= m_l (m_l pm 1)" ")|#

and from this inequality we get that #|m_l| <= l#.


Following this and this page, let us introduce the ladder operators for orbital angular momentum

#hatL_(pm) = hatL_x pm ihatL_y#

where #hatL_i# is the angular momentum operator for the #i#th direction in 3D space.

These satisfy the commutation relations:

#[hatL^2, hatL_(pm)] = hatL^2hatL_(pm) - hatL_(pm)hatL^2 = 0#

#[hatL_(pm), hatL_z] = hatL_(pm)hatL_z - hatL_zhatL_(pm) = ∓ℏhatL_(pm)#

where #hatL# is the orbital angular momentum operator and #hatL_z# is its #z# component.

Now, the eigenvalues we get when we operate on the angular wave function #Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)# are given by:

#color(green)ul(hatL^2)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi) = color(green)ul(ℏ^2l(l+1))Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)#

#color(green)ul(hatL_z)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi) = color(green)ul(m_lℏ)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)#


Now we shall ask, what happens to the value of #l# and #m_l# when these ladder operators are applied? That is, we want to know:

#color(red)(hatL^2hatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi) = ???cdotY_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi))#

Since #hatL^2# and #hatL_(pm)# commute, it follows that

#color(green)(hatL^2hatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)) = hatL_(pm)hatL^2Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)#

This eigenvalue is known, so that helps...


#= hatL_(pm)[ℏ^2l(l+1)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)]#

#= color(green)(ℏ^2l(l+1)hatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi))#

Nothing has happened to #l# here, so these ladder operators do not touch #l#.


What about #m_l#? We want to know:

#color(red)(hatL_zhatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi) = ???cdotY_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi))#

These operators do not commute, so we use the commutation relation we put earlier to note that #hatL_zhatL_(pm) = hatL_(pm)hatL_z pm ℏhatL_(pm)#:


#= [hatL_(pm)hatL_z pm ℏhatL_(pm)]Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)#

#= hatL_(pm)hatL_zY_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi) pm ℏhatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)#

We know the #hatL_z# eigenvalue, so we proceed with that:

#= hatL_(pm)m_lℏY_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi) pm ℏhatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)#

#= color(green)((m_l pm 1)ℏhatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi))#

We now see that #m_l# was indeed affected. So the ladder operators raise #(+)# or lower #(-)# the value of #m_l#.


Now our final question is, when will #m_l# stop decreasing, and when will it stop increasing?

Now, the expectation value of the #hatL_(pm)# and the #hatL_(∓)# is:

#int_"allspace" Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)^"*"hatL_(∓)hatL_(pm)Y_(l)^(m_l)(theta,phi)d tau >= 0#

We can condense this notation down to:

#<< Y_(l)^(m_l) | hatL_(∓)hatL_(pm) | Y_(l)^(m_l) >> >= 0#

Now, it becomes physically useful to rewrite #hatL_(∓)hatL_(pm)# in terms of components of #hatL#. It turns out to be:

#hatL_(∓)hatL_(pm) = hatL^2 - hatL_z^2 ∓ ℏhatL_z#

Finally, using this, we can derive limits on #m_l#.

#<< Y_(l)^(m_l) | hatL_(∓)hatL_(pm) | Y_(l)^(m_l) >>#

#= << Y_(l)^(m_l) | hatL^2 - hatL_z^2 ∓ ℏhatL_z | Y_(l)^(m_l) >>#

#= << Y_(l)^(m_l) | ℏ^2l(l+1) - m_l^2ℏ^2 ∓ m_lℏ^2 | Y_(l)^(m_l) >>#

#= << Y_(l)^(m_l) | (l(l+1) - m_l^2 ∓ m_l)ℏ^2 | Y_(l)^(m_l) >>#

The #Y_(l)^(m_l)# are normalized, so #<< Y_(l)^(m_l) | Y_(l)^(m_l) >> = 1#, and therefore:

#=> (l(l+1) - m_l^2 ∓ m_l)ℏ^2 cancel(<< Y_(l)^(m_l) | Y_(l)^(m_l) >>)^(1) >= 0#

We can divide out #ℏ^2# to obtain the relation:

#l(l+1) - m_l^2 ∓ m_l >= 0#

With further factoring and rearranging, we have the following inequality:

#color(blue)(barul|stackrel(" ")(" "l(l+1) >= m_l (m_l pm 1)" ")|)#


Testing out values of #l# and #m_l#, we find:

#bbul(m_l = 0)#

#0(0 + 1) >= 0(0 pm 1)# #" "" "" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#bbul(m_l = -1,0,+1)#

#1(1 + 1) >= 1(1 pm 1)# #" "" "" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#1(1 + 1) >= 0(0 pm 1)# #" "" "" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#1(1 + 1) >= -1(-1 pm 1)# #" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#bbul(m_l = -2,-1,0,+1,+2)#

#2(2 + 1) >= 2(2 pm 1)# #" "" "" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#2(2 + 1) >= 1(1 pm 1)# #" "" "" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#2(2 + 1) >= 0(0 pm 1)# #" "" "" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#2(2 + 1) >= -1(-1 pm 1)# #" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

#2(2 + 1) >= -2(-2 pm 1)# #" "" "color(blue)sqrt""#

So, in order to satisfy this inequality,

#bb(|m_l| <= l)#.
