How can you find the greatest common factor of two numbers?
1 Answer
Mar 30, 2016
Here are a couple of methods...
Method 1
Factor both numbers into prime factors, identify the common factors and multiply them together.
For example, find the GCF of
#56 = 2 xx 2 xx 2 xx 7#
#84 = 2 xx 2 xx 3 xx 7#
#GCF(56, 84) = 2 xx 2 xx 7 = 28#
Method 2
Given two numbers, divide the larger by the smaller to find a quotient and remainder. If the remainder is zero then the smaller number was the GCF. Otherwise, repeat with the smaller number and the remainder.
Example: find the GCF of
#112 / 70 = 1# with remainder#42#
#70 / 42 = 1# with remainder#28#
#42 / 28 = 1# with remainder#14#
#28 / 14 = 2# with remainder#0#