How did abiogenesis happen?

1 Answer
Oct 24, 2016

No one knows if biogenesis did happen or how it happened if it did.


abiogenesis is the theory that life came from non living matter.

Cell theory says that life comes from life or more correctly cells come from other cells.

abiogenesis says that cell theory is wrong and that at some time in the distance past cells came into being by accidental random natural causes.

This is based on reasoning from a materialistic realism world view.
Most of scientific endeavor is based on the search for natural causes to explain what is seen and observed.

If everything happens by natural cause then the first cell must have come from non living matter hence the theory of biogenesis.

Scientists staring with Charles Darwin have search for explanations of how life could start from non life. Darwin speculated that life started in a warm pond where pre organic molecules came together to form the first "simple" cell staring the process of evolution that accounts for all living things.

Another theory is that life started in volcanic vents deep under the ocean when Oxygen, lighting strikes and other environmental changes could not destroy the first proto cells. Primate forms of bacteria are found in the volcanic vents that get their energy not from photosynthesis but from the sulfur molecules and other complex energy molecules found in the emissions from the volcanic vents.

Crystals formed in clay are said by some scientists to be the place where the first DNA or RNA was formed. Crystals could have formed the lattice for the formation of the nucleic acids needed for life to reproduce.

Given the difficulty of forming the complex structure of living cell needing both the nucleic acid for reproduction and the proteins needed for cell function some scientist resort to speculating the life on earth came from outer space. The cells could have ridden an astroid from Mars or another planet. Or the material for the cells could have come from a comet.

In short no one know how biogenesis occurred. But if cells came into being by natural causes alone it must have happened.