How did President Grant's cabinet members affect his presidency?

1 Answer
Mar 22, 2017

President Grant's cabinet members affected his presidency because they were all scandalous; therefore, the American people associated the scandals with Grant's presidency, altough he had nothing to do with it.


Here are just a few of the scandals during Grant's presidency:

1) Whiskey Ring
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The Whiskey Ring Scandal was a diversion of tax revenues involving government agents, including Grant's private secretary General Orville E. Babcock.

2) Secretary of War William Belknap was shown to have pocketed around $24,000 through unfair business with the Indians.
Secretary of War William Belknap

The problem here was that Grant surrounded himself with the wrong people, and when hs "friends" were convicted, he somewhat protected them. Therefore, people associated him with the scandals because of his cabinet members.

Hope this helps!