How did the Columbian Exchange change the world?

2 Answers
May 31, 2017

Species were transfered from Europe to America and vice versa.


The Columbian exchange is a term used to describe all the consequences in terms of biology caused by the discovery of America.

Potatoes and maize were introduced in Europe. So were turkeys and guinea fowls.

Horses and diseases such as smallpox(which killed 90% of the American indigenous population) were also part of the exchange and transfored the American continent.

Jun 2, 2017

The Columbian exchange transformed both the Old World and the New World.


Agricultural products from the New World totally changed Europe, Africa, and even Asia. Potatoes became the staple crop of Ireland that came from the Incas. Maize became the staple crop of Africa. When Europeans reached south Africa maize had reached south Africa first. Tomato sauce from Virginia transformed Italian cuisine.

Animal products from Europe transformed the New World. Chickens became a staple food. Pigs and cows became sources of protein, ranching replacing hunting. Horses changed the culture of the plains Indians of North America.

Diseases were also exchanged. Small pox decimated the indigenous population of the New World. Sexually Transmitted Diseases like syphilis from the new world reached Asian nations like China.