How do animals reproduce sexually?

2 Answers
Jun 28, 2018

It depends on the animal, but the fundamental aspect of sexual reproduction is that genetic information from each parent must be joined together to create the offspring.


Sexual reproduction differs greatly among different animals. With animals, there tends to be some ritual that leads up to them copulating. Once the male and female genetic material meets it can develop into a new organism. The question is too general for me to answer in specifics, so if you want to learn more, you can either ask another question, or you can read more about it here if you like:

Hope I was of some help at least! :)

Jun 28, 2018

Just an addition to what Nick has already answered:

Some animals will only reproduce with the strongest/biggest male to try to ensure their offspring are stronger/bigger. Others like the mayfly just mate as soon as they can because their life/reproduction cycle is so short.

If it is the actual mechanics of how they reproduce then you need to ask a more direct question.