Using diagram.
Take a hexagon with side length bba. We can form 6 congruent triangles within the hexagon. The angle formed at the apex of each triangle is:
Where bbn is the number of sides, in this case n=6
The interior angles of a regular polygon are given by:
Where bbn is the number of sides.
Dividing this by 2:
Looking at the diagram we can see that all the triangles in the hexagon have equal angles i.e. 60^@. This means that they are equilateral and therefore have equal sides, in this case bba.
Drop a perpendicular bisector bbh. We now have 2 right angled triangles with sides 1/2a, a and h
The length of bbh can be found using Pythagoras' theorem.
We can now find the area of one equilateral triangle:
This is the area of one triangle. Since we have six of these triangles in a regular hexagon, area of hexagon is:
This is the formula for the area of a regular hexagon with side length bba
For this problem, we have a side length of 5.
"Area"=(3(5^2)sqrt(3))/2=(75sqrt(3))/2" ft"^2
(75sqrt(3))/2=64.95" ft"^2color(white)(88) 2 d.p.
color(blue)("Area"=(75sqrt(3))/2=64.95" ft"^2)