How do you add #\frac { 2} { 3} + \frac { 9} { 12} #?

1 Answer
Mar 9, 2018

Find a common denominator so that the factions will have the same denominator so that they can be added.


To find a common denominator find the factors of each number and multiply all unique factors to find the Least Common Denominator

# 3 = 3 xx 1 #
# 12 = 2 xx 2 xx 3 #

There is need for only one 3 as the factor of 3 is repeated.
There are 2 factors of 2 so The Least Common Denominator is

# 2 xx 2 xx 3 =12 #

Now change the fraction 2/3 to a fraction with 12 denominator.

# ( 4 xx 2)/( 4 xx 3) = 8/12#

Now add #8/12 + 9/12 #

#8/12 + 9/12 = 17/12#

# 17/12 = 1 5/12#