How do you condense Ln x + 2Ln y?

2 Answers
Jun 1, 2016



Using the color(blue)"laws of logarithms"



Although expressed in terms of log ,these laws apply to logs of any base.

using (2) : 2lny=lny^2

using (1) : lnx+lny^2=ln(xy^2)


Jun 1, 2016



color(blue)("Introduction to some principles of logs")

Multiplication of source numbers results in addition of logs.

So log(ab)=log(a)+log(b)

The product of a constant and a log is the consequence of the source value raised to the power of that constant.

2log(a) = log(a^2)

color(blue)("Answering your question")

Consider: 2ln(y)

Another way of writing this is: ln(y^2)

Consider: ln(x)+ln(y^2)

Another way of writing this is: ln(xy^2)