How do you convert to decimal notation #4.0627 times10^7#?

1 Answer
Nov 4, 2016

#4.0627xx10^7 = color(green)(40,627,000)#


#4.0627# could be written as #4.06270000000# (with as many zeroes on the end as we like.

Multiplying a number by #10# (or #10^color(red)(1)#)moves the decimal point #color(red)(1)# position to the right:

Multiplying a number by #10^color(red)(2)# moves the decimal point #color(red)(2)# positions to the right

...and so on...

Multiplying a number by #10^color(red)(7)# moves the decimal point #color(red)(7)# positions to the right
(we can ignore the zeroes after the decimal point and throw in some commas to make the answer more legible, as displayed in the "Answer" above).