We can write #67,396-:123# as:
#color(white)(123/color(black)(123)) color(white)(67,396)/(")"67,396)#
And we can do the division now.
#123xx5=615#, and so:
#color(white)(123/color(black)(123)) color(white)(67,color(black)(5)96)/(")"67,396)#
We took #673-615=58# as the remainder of this step, then brought down the next digit, the 9, giving us 589 to work with. #123xx4=492# and so:
#color(white)(123/color(black)(123)) color(white)(67,color(black)(54)6)/(")"67,396)#
We took #589-492=97# as the remainder of this step, then brought down the next digit, the 6, giving us 976 to work with. #123xx7=861# and so:
#color(white)(123/color(black)(123)) color(white)(67,color(black)(547))/(")"67,396)#
We took #976-861=115# as the remainder of this step.
And so the answer is 547, Remainder 115.