How do you evaluate #(3\times 2) + 5^ { 2} - 8\div 2#?

1 Answer
Nov 15, 2017

See a solution process below:


Using the standard order of operation or PEDMAS we need to first execute the operation within Parenthesis and the Exponent operation:

#(color(red)(3) xx color(red)(2)) + color(blue)(5^2) - 8 -: 2 =>#

#6 + 25 - 8 -: 2#

Next execute the Division operation:

#6 + 25 - color(red)(8) -: color(red)(2) =>#

#6 + 25 - 4#

Now, execute the Addition and Subtraction operations from left to right:

#color(red)(6) + color(red)(25) - 4 =>#

#color(red)(31) - color(red)(4) =>#
