How do you evaluate #5\frac { 7} { 8} + 6\frac { 3} { 5}#?

1 Answer
Dec 15, 2016

The answer is #12 19/40#.



#5 7/8 + 6 3/5#

Step 1: Separate the whole parts from the fraction parts:

#=color(green)5+color(magenta)(7/8)" "+" "color(green)6+color(magenta)(3/5)#

Step 2: Regroup:


Step 3: Add the whole numbers:


Step 4: Convert the fractions so they have a common denominator:

#=color(green)(11)+color(magenta)(7/8) * color(blue)(5/5)+color(magenta)(3/5) * color(blue)(8/8)#


Step 5: Combine the two fractions into one:



Step 6: Rewrite the new fraction as a proper one (if necessary):




Step 7: Add the whole numbers:


Step 8: Reduce the fraction part to lowest terms, if you can:
(For this number, 19/40 is already in lowest terms)

#=12" "19/40#

Note: This long explanation is just to make it easy to follow along; after we understand the process, we can find shortcuts that help us avoid writing this many steps.