Since in general:
we are looking for numbers #a# and #b# such that
Since #ab# is negative
#color(white)("XXX")#one of #a# and #b# must be negative and the other positive.
Since #a+b# is positive
#color(white)("XXX")#the larger of #abs(a)# and #abs(b)# must be positive.
So we need to look for 2 factors of #54# such that
#color(white)("XXX")#the difference in their absolute values is #10#
(color(blue)("Factors of 54"),color(white)("XX"),color(blue)("Difference between factors"),),
(color(red)(4xx14),,color(white)("XX")10,color(red)("This is what we need")),
So #abs(a)# and #abs(b)# are #4# and #14#
The larger, #14#, is positive and the smaller,#4#, is negative