How do you find k such that the line is tangent to the graph of the function function: #f(x) = x^2 - kx# and line: y=4x - 9?

1 Answer
Aug 27, 2016

A step to get you started.


A tangent can only occur when the two lines have a common point.

Not only that, it must mean that at that point they have the same gradient. So:

#f'(x)" " ->" " m " in " y=mx+c" " ->" "y=4x-9#

Thus #f'(x)=2x-k =4#.................................Equation(1)

Consider that at the tangential point they both have the same coordinates.

#=>f'(x)=x^2-kx = y = 4x-9#



Now solve as simultaneous equations.

#2x-k =4#.................................Equation(1)