How do you find the prime factorization of 72?

3 Answers
Aug 6, 2016

#72 = 2^3xx3^2#


Divide the number to be factored by the prime numbers in turn. Test that result is a natural number. If so, it is a prime factor. Continue until the factorisation is complete.

In this example:
72 is even so 2 is a factor; #72/2 = 36#
36 and #36/2 = 18# are also even so we have two more 2's as prime factors.

#18/2 = 9 = 3xx3# Hence we have two 3's as prime factors.

Therefore the prime factors of 72 are #2xx2xx2xx3xx3 =2^3xx3^2#

Aug 6, 2016

The prime factorization for #72# is #color(red)(2)xxcolor(red)(2)xxcolor(red)(2)xxcolor(red)(3)xxcolor(red)(3)#.


The prime factors are prime numbers that when multiplied result in the number that is being factored. Continually divide by prime numbers until you reach the last prime number.

Divide #72# by the prime number #color(red)(2)#.



Divide #36# by the prime number #color(red)(2)#.



Divide #18# by the prime number #color(red)(2)#.



Divide #9# by the prime number #color(red)(3)#.



The prime factorization for #72# is #color(red)(2)xxcolor(red)(2)xxcolor(red)(2)xxcolor(red)(3)xxcolor(red)(3)#.

Aug 9, 2016



If you are really stuck you can always draw a factor tree and see what you can build from than.

Tony BTony B

From this you can see that the prime factors are:
