- Check if they are compatible.
A 2x2 matrix times a 2x2 matrix will give a 2x2 matrix.
Each row (R) in the first matrix is multiplied by each column (C) in the second matrix.
#((2, 1), (-1, 0)) xx ((4, 2), (3, -1)) = ((color(red)(a), color(blue)(b)), (color(green)(c), color(magenta)(d)))#
#color(red)(a) = R_1 xx C_1 rArr = 2xx4 +1xx3 = color(red)(11)#
#color(blue)(b) = R_1 xx C_2 rArr = 2xx2 +1xx(-1) = color(blue)(3)#
#color(green)(c) = R_2 xx C_1 rArr = -1xx4 +0xx3 = color(green)(-4)#
#color(magenta)(d) = R_2 xx C_2 rArr = -1xx2 +0xx(-1) = color(magenta)(-2)#
#((2, 1), (-1, 0)) xx ((4, 2), (3, -1)) = ((color(red)(11), color(blue)(3)), (color(green)(-4), color(magenta)(-2)))#