How do you multiply #(7a b ^ { 2} ) ( 3a ^ { 4} b ^ { 5} )#?

1 Answer
Jul 1, 2017



For multiplication:

  • multiply the signs. (In this case both positive, nothing to be done)
  • multiply the numbers
  • add the indices of like bases

#color(blue)(7)color(red)(a)color(forestgreen)(b^2) xx color(blue)(3)color(red)(a^4)color(forestgreen)(b^5)# can be treated as:

#color(blue)(7 xx 3) xx color(red)(a^1 xx a^4) xx color(forestgreen)(b^2 xx b^5)#

#color(blue)(21) xx color(red)(a^5) xx color(forestgreen)(b^7)#