How do you simplify #\frac { - 14x ^ { - 3} y ^ { 5} } { 35x y ^ { 3} }#?

1 Answer
Nov 13, 2016



Recall one of the laws of indices.....#x^-m = 1/x^m#

Move the negative index and then simplify as usual.
Simplify the signs, then the numbers, then the indices.

#(-14x^-3y^5)/(35xy^3) = (-14color(blue)(y^5))/(35color(red)(x*x^3)color(blue)(y^3))#

#= (-2color(blue)(y^2))/(5color(red)(x^4))#

When dividing - subtract indices of like bases. #color(blue)(y^5/y^3 = y^2)#

When multiplying add indices of like bases. #color(red)(x xx x^3 = x^4)#