How do you simplify #\frac { ( - 2x y ^ { - 3} ) ^ { - 5} } { ( x y ^ { - 3} ) ^ { - 3} }#?

1 Answer
Apr 17, 2017



There are several laws of indices which can be applied.
One law is not better or stronger than another.

Use the ones you find easiest to recognise and apply.

I like to get get rid of any negative indices first, then simplify.

Recall: #x^color(red)(-m) = 1/x^color(red)(m) " and " 1/y^color(blue)(-n) = y^color(blue)(n)#

#((-2xy^-3)^color(red)(-5))/((xy^-3)^color(blue)(-3)) = ((xy^-3)^color(blue)(3))/((-2xy^-3)^color(red)(5))#

Recall: #(x^m)^n = x^(mxxn)" "# (removes brackets)

#((xy^-3)^color(blue)(3))/((-2xy^-3)^color(red)(5)) =(x^3y^-9)/((-2)^5x^5y^-15)#

#= (x^3y^15)/(-32x^5y^9)" "larr# positive indices


You might like to get rid of the brackets first.

#((-2xy^-3)^color(red)(-5))/((xy^-3)^color(blue)(-3)) = ((-2)^color(red)(-5)x^color(red)(-5)y^color(red)(15))/(x^color(blue)(-3)y^color(blue)(9))#

Then subtract the indices of like bases:


and deal with the negative indices last:

#= y^6/(-32x^2)#