How do you simplify # (\frac { a ^ { - 1} + b ^ { - 1} } { a ^ { - 2} - b ^ { - 2} } ) ^ { 2} #?

1 Answer
Nov 9, 2017

This simpifies all the way to #(ab)/(b-a)#
Details follow...


A negative exponent can be changed to a positive exponent by moving it to the denominator of a fraction.

That is, #a^(-1)# is equal to #1/(a^1)# (or simply #1/a#) and #a^(-2)# is equal to #1/a^2#

If we apply this to every term in the expression, it becomes

#((1/a + 1/b)/(1/a^2 - 1/b^2))#

Now, we must add (or subtract) the fractions. This requires a common denominator for both the top expression and the bottom:
This common denominator is found by multiplying each fraction by the denominator in the other fraction.

#((b/(ab) + a/(ab))/(b^2/(a^2b^2) - a^2/(a^2b^2)))#



The #ab# in the top fraction cancels #ab# from the bottom fraction:


Next, we can factor #b^2-a^2# into #(b+a)(b-a)#


One more cancellation, of #(b+a)#:


Finally, invert the denominator:
