How do you solve 2x = 12?

1 Answer
Nov 26, 2015


Another way of looking at it!


The you need to get one x on its own on one side of = and everything else on the other side.

This is how you do it for your question:

When multiplying, change what you want to get rid of into 1 as anything multiplied by 1 does not change.

color(blue)("Method for getting rid of the 2 on the left.")

Divide both sides by 2

color(brown)(2x) -: 2=color(brown)(12) -:2

color(green)("If you divide one side of = by any number you have to")
color(green)("divide the other side by the same number")

Write as: 2/2 xx x=12/2

but 2/2 is 1

