How do you solve #4x^4-21x^2+27=0#?

1 Answer
Feb 11, 2017

#x = +-3/2 and x = +-sqrt3#


#4x^4 -21x^2 +27 =0#

This is a disguised quadratic. Note that #(x^2)^2 = x^4#

You need to find factors first.

Find factors of 4 and 27 which cross-multiplied and ADDED give 21.

[As 21 is an odd number, it has to come from even + odd,
so the factors of 4 CANNOT be #2xx2#, because 2 will always give an even product, and even + even = even]

#""4" "27#

#4color(white)(........)9" "rarr 1xx9 = 9#
#1color(white)(........)3" "rarr 4xx3 = ul12#

The signs in the bracket will both be negative (because of #-21#)

#4x^4 -21x^2 +27 = 0#

#rarrcolor(blue)((4x^2-9))(x^2-3)=0" "larr # difference of squares

#rarrcolor(blue)((2x+3)(2x-3))(x^2-3)=0" "larr# there are 3 factors

Set each factor equal to 0 and solve.

#2x+3 = 0 " "rarr x = -3/2#
#2x-3 = 0 " "rarr x = 3/2#
#x^2-3 = 0 " "rarr x = +-sqrt3#

We have 4 solutions as we expect for a fourth order equation.