How do you solve #\frac { 1} { x + 1} - 2= \frac { 2} { x - 2}#?

1 Answer
Mar 19, 2018

#x = 0# or #x = 0.5#


find the LCM (lowest common multiple) of all denominators shown:

that is, #(x+1)# and #(x-2)#.

since these two expressions have no common factors, the LCM can only be found by multiplying them together.

#(x+1)(x-2) = x^2-x-2#

#1/(x+1) = (x-2)/(x^2-x-2) #

#-2 = (-2x^2+2x+4)/(x^2-x-2)#

#2/(x-2) = (2(x+1))/(x^2-x-2) = (2x+2)/(x^2-x-2)#

the fractions rewritten give the equation

#(x-2)/(x^2-x-2) + (-2x^2+2x+4)/(x^2-x-2) = (2x+2)/(x^2-x-2)#

to remove the denominator, multiply all the terms by #x^2-x-2:#

#(x-2) + (-2x^2+2x+4) = 2x+2#

#x-2 -2x^2 + 2x + 4 = 2x+ 2#

collect like terms on either side:

#x + 2x -2 + 4 -2x^2 = 2x+ 2#
#-2x^2 + 3x + 2 = 2x+2#

subtract #(2x+2):#

#-2x^2+x = 0#

#-2x^2# and #x# have a common factor of #-x#, meaning that
#-x(2x-1) = 0#

either #-x = 0#, or #2x - 1 = 0#.

if #-x = 0#, then #x# is also #0#.

if #2x-1 = 0#, then #2x = 1# and so #x = 0.5#