How do you solve the system of equations #2x + 5y = 15# and #5x + 10y = 35#?

1 Answer
Jul 3, 2016

#x = 5 and y =1#


Before jumping in and choosing your favourite method, look at the options available first.

ELimination seems obvious, because 5y can be multiplied by -2 to give -10y,

Notice that the second equation can be divided by 5, which will make all the numbers smaller.

#5x + 10y = 35 " becomes " x + 2y = 7#
This can be written as # x = 7-2y" "# so substitution is a viable method as well.

Now that we have looked, we can make a better decision about the best method.

#" " 2x + 5y = 15 ....................."A"#
#" " 5x + 10y = 35 ..................."B"#

# " A x -2: " -4x -10 y = -30#
#" A + C: gives " x = 5#

Subst in A: # " "2xx5 + 5y = 15 rArr 5y = 5#

#" "y = 1#

OR Substitution: #" "2x + 5y = 15 " and "x = 7-2y#

Substitute for x:

# 2(7-2y) + 5y = 15#
#14 -4y + 5y = 15#
#" " y = 1 " then " x = 7-2(1)#
#" "x=5#