=>bb("4x + 2y= 8")
Let this be Equation number 1.
=>4x+2y=8 -> 1
=>bb("3x + 5y = 19")
Let this be Equation number 2.
=>bb("3x + 5y = 19 ->2")
Now bb("Multiply") Equation number 2 with 2. That is,
=>3x*2+5y*2= 38
=>bb("6x + 10y = 38")
Let this be Equation number be 3.
=>bb("6x + 10y = 38 ->3")
Now bb("Multiply") Equation number 1 with 5. That is,
=>bb("20x + 10y = 40")
Let this be Equation number 4.
=>bb("20x + 10y = 40 ->4")
Now bb("Subtract") Equation number 3 from Equation number 4.
Now put the value of x in Equation number 1.
That is,
=> 4*1/7+2y=8
In the Whole number-Fraction Subtraction, a-b/c=(ac-b)c. Apply this,
=>y = 26/7
So, x=1/7 & y=26/7