Factor completely: 2x +11x +12?

1 Answer
Apr 13, 2018



If you mean:


This simplifies to:


Which factors to:

#-> 1(13x+12)# as nothing is common between the two terms apart from #1# of course...

If you mean #2x^2+11x+12#

Multiply the coefficient by the constant:

#2 xx 12=24#

We are trying to find a pair of numbers that add to make #11# and multiply to make #24#. Start out by listing the factors of #24#

#24# and #1#
#12# and #2#
#8# and #3#
#6# and #4#

By looking at these pairs we can conclude that #8+3# makes #11#, so we use these.

As all terms are positive, all numbers have to be positive

Plugging back in:


Notice that we use the original +12, we only multiply to find the values to factor

Factor the two first terms:

#2x^2+8x -> 2x(x+4)#

Factor out the last two terms:

#3x+12 -> 3(x+4)#

#therefore# #2x^2+8x+3x+12 -> 2x(x+4)+3(x+4)# <-## Notice these brackets are the same

One bracket is (x+4), the other is the remaining terms which is #(2x+3)#

#-> (x+4)(2x+3)#

We can always expand to check:

#2x xx x=2x^2#

#x xx 3 =3x#

#4 xx 2x=8x#

#4 xx 3=12#

#-> 2x^2+8x+3x+12 -> 2x^2+11x+12#

Therefore this is factorised correctly.