How do you use cross products to solve 3.6/3=y/14.4?
3 Answers
Now, by doing cross multiplication, we get
Hope that helped
Why cross multiply works is explained.
The thing about 'cross product' is that it a consequence (end result) derived form first principles. This is quite often not explained.
Once you really understand what it is going on you will use the 'cross product' without giving it much thought. It is much faster than first principles.
In first principles:
For add or subtract change what you wish to move to the other side of the = into the value of 0. Anything having 0 added or subtracted does not change in value
For multiply or divide change what you wish to move to the other side of the = into the value 1. Anything multiplied by 1 does not change in value
The objective is to have just one
This is 'multiply or divide' situation so we change the