How do you use Newton's method to find the approximate solution to the equation e^x=1/xex=1x?
1 Answer
x=0.56714329x=0.56714329 to 8dp.
We want to solve:
e^x=1/x => e^x -1/x =0 ex=1x⇒ex−1x=0
First let us look at the graphs:
graph{e^x -1/x [-5, 5, -10, 10]}
We can see there is one solution in the interval
To find the solution numerically, using Newton-Rhapson method we will need the derivative
\ \ \ \ \ \ \f(x) = e^x-1/x
:. f'(x) = e^x+1/x^2
The Newton-Rhapson method uses the following iterative sequence
{ (x_1,=1), ( x_(n+1), = x_n - f(x_n)/(f'(x_n)) ) :}
Then using excel working to 8dp we can tabulate the iterations as follows:
We could equally use a modern scientific graphing calculator as most new calculators have an " Ans " button that allows the last calculated result to be used as the input of an iterated expression.
And we conclude that the solution is