If #x+5# is a factor, your divisor in synthetic substitution is #-5#.
Step 1. Write only the coefficients of #x# in the dividend inside an upside-down division symbol.
Step 2. Put the divisor at the left.
Step 3. Drop the first coefficient of the dividend below the division symbol.
Step 4. Multiply the result by the divisor, and put the product in the next column.
Step 5. Add down the column.
#color(white)(Xll)|1" "color(white)(l)color(blue)(4)#
Step 6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you can go no farther.
#color(white)(Xll)|1" "color(white)(l)4" "color(white)(Xl)4" "color(white)(Xl)color(red)(0)#
∴ #(x^3+9x^2+24x+20)/(x+5) = x^2 + 4x +4#
You can factor the quadratic as #x^2 + 4x + 4 = (x+2)(x+2)#
#x^3+9x^2+24x+20 = (x+5)(x+2)(x+2)#