How do you write a quadratic equation in standard form with solutions 1 and -8?

1 Answer
Oct 7, 2016

The roots of a polynomial are, in a certain sense, the blocks to build the polynomial itself.

Take for example an expression like f(x)=(x-\alpha), for some real number \alpha. This is a line (first degree polynomial) which equals zero exacly when x=\alpha, since f(\alpha) = \alpha-\alpha=0.

To build a polynomial with higher degree, simply multiply such blocks: if we consider g(x) = (x-\alpha)(x-\beta), this function will have exactly \alpha and \beta as roots, since now we have

g(\alpha) = (\alpha-\alpha)(\alpha-\beta) = 0*(\alpha-\beta) = 0
g(\beta) = (\beta-\alpha)(beta-\beta) = (\beta-\alpha)*0 = 0

In this way, you can build a polynomial of the degree you want, with the roots that you want. In your case, you have to build

p(x) = (x-1)(x+8)

In fact,

p(1) = (1-1)(1+8) = 0*9 = 0
p(-8) = (-8-1)(-8+8) = -9*0 = 0

So, p(x) has the roots we want it to have. To write it in standard form, simply expand the parenthesis:

(x-1)(x+8) = x^2+7x-8

Faster Strategy:

In the particular case of quadratic polynomials, we have a faster way to solve exercises like this: the generic expression

x^2+ax+b (note that the x^2 coefficient must be 1)

yields two solutions x_1 and x_2 such that

x_1+x_2 = -a
x_1x_2 = b

In other words, the sum of the solutions is the opposite of the x coefficient, and the product of the solutions is the last coefficient of the quadratic expression.

If your solutions have to be 1 and -8, then we have

a=-(1-8) = 7
b = 1*(-8) = -8

and again we come to the conclusion that

p(x) = x^2+7x-8