How does natural selection support the theory of evolution?

1 Answer
Jan 9, 2017

The theory of natural selection provides a naturalistic mechanism for preserving favorable variations in the genetic makeup of organisms.


By evolution it is probable that the reference is to Darwinian or Neo Darwinian evolution.

Darwinian evolution attempts to explain the origin of all life by natural causes. One of these natural causes is natural selection.

Natural selection can explain how different forms of animals can arise from environmental changes and natural variations.
A classic textbook example is the peppered moth in England. The changes in the environment during the industrial revolution made the black or metallic form of the pepperred moth to be selected over the other forms of the peppered .

Natural selection provides evidence of changes within a species or type of organism. Such as the thirteen different types of finches on the Galapagos Islands.

The Neo Darwinian Theory of Evolution extrapolates these "small" observable changes sometimes called micro evolution or adaptations to "large" changes involving the transformation of one type of organism to a completely different type of organism. sometimes called macro evolution or simply evolution.

Natural selection provides evidence of changes within a species that supports the idea of larger changes between species by extrapolation. This is an indirect form of evidence for Darwin's theory of Descent through modification.