How does pulse differ from blood pressure?

1 Answer
Aug 25, 2016

Blood pressure is the pressure the heart exerts on the walls of the arteries. Pulse is the rate at which the heart beats.


Blood Pressure

  • Blood pressure is the pressure the heart exerts against the walls of the arteries as it pumps the blood out to the body
  • It is measured in units of millimetres of mercury (mmHg).
  • It includes two measurements:
    #color(white)(m)#Systolic pressure (top number): The pressure as the heart beats and forces blood into the arteries
    #color(white)(m)#Diastolic pressure (bottom number): The pressure as the heart relaxes between beats
  • Typical reading: 120/80 mmHg


  • Pulse (or heart rate) is the number of times your heart beats per minute.
  • It is measured in units of beats per minute (bpm)
  • It consists of a single measurement —the number of heart beats per minute.
  • Typical reading: 60 bpm