How does the presence of glucose in the nephrons result in the high volume of urine output? Why does diabetes result in high volume of urine output?

1 Answer
Nov 9, 2016

Urine is produced in kidney by nephrons through ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption and tubular secretion. Please understand all these three steps before you read the answer.


Ultrafiltration of blood takes place at glomerulus and the filtrate accumulates in Bowman's capsule.

The watery filtrate contains glucose along with other solutes. When blood glucose level is very high (above 180mg/dL), as happens in case of diabetic patients, more glucose enters filtrate: and subsequently 100% reabsorption of glucose by renal tubules will not be possible. Hence glucose will appear in urine. This is because renal threshold of glucose is 180mg/100ml of blood.

Presence of extra solute (i.e. glucose) in tubular filtrate would prevent water to leave, i.e. there will be less reabsorption of water along descending loop of Henle . This water is excreted with urine. Hence dilute and more voluminous urine (=diurea) is produced when glucose is excreted.