How does x^5=32, a 5th degree polynomial, have 5 zeroes?
I have been said that a n^(th) degree polynomal should have n zeroes. The only zero I could find in p(x) = x^5=32 is x= 2 .
I have been said that a
3 Answers
Repeated zeroes.
You are correct that the only zero present is
First let's straighten out the terminology a bit:
The equation:
One of those zeros is
We find:
x^5-32 = (x-2)(x^4+2x^3+4x^2+8x+16)
The remaining quartic has
The five zeros form the vertices of a regular pentagon in the complex plane:
graph{((x-2)^2+y^2-0.01)((x-2cos(2pi/5))^2+(y-2sin(2pi/5))^2-0.01)((x-2cos(4pi/5))^2+(y-2sin(4pi/5))^2-0.01)((x-2cos(6pi/5))^2+(y-2sin(6pi/5))^2-0.01)((x-2cos(8pi/5))^2+(y-2sin(8pi/5))^2-0.01) = 0 [-5, 5, -2.5, 2.5]}
We can write them as:
x = 2
x = 2cos((2pi)/5)+2isin((2pi)/5)
x = 2cos((4pi)/5)+2isin((4pi)/5)
x = 2cos((6pi)/5)+2isin((6pi)/5)
x = 2cos((8pi)/5)+2isin((8pi)/5)
It is possible to solve the quartic to get expressions for these zeros in terms of square roots instead of trigonometric functions. One way to start is to use the factorisation into quadratics described in:
The root
This equation has five complex roots. One is a real root (
(1) What is an imaginary number?
You cannot solve the equation
However, you can "imagine" the number that satisfies this.
Imaginary number is indeed "imaginary" but very useful for expressing an alternating current, dealing with rotational movement, etc.
Euler found that
If you put
Imaginary number is a bridge between trigonometric and exponential functions.
(2) What is the four imaginary numbers of
Acording to De Moivre's formula, the roots of
The roots of