How is angular frequency different from angular velocity? I mean we can tell intuitively what angular velocity is but what's the intuitive explanation of angular frequency??

1 Answer
May 26, 2017

There is no difference between the two.


Angular frequency #ω#, also called radial or circular frequency, measures angular displacement per unit time. Its units are therefore degrees (or radians) per second.

# ω = 2πf" or " (2pi)/T#
where #f# is frequency of rotation and #T# time period of rotation.

This is also called Angular velocity as compared to the term Velocity used in linear motion.

#"Pure translation (fixed direction)"color (white)(XXX)"Pure rotation (fixed axis)"#
#"Velocity "v = dx/dtcolor (white)(XXXXXXXXX)"Angular velocity "ω= (dθ)/dt#

Other comparable parameters are included in the tables below