How is the formula for the circumference of a circle derived?

1 Answer
Jan 24, 2016

Essentially by the definition of #pi#


Any circle is similar to any other circle, so the ratio between the length of the circumference of a circle and its diameter will always be the same.

This ratio is the number we call #pi# ("pi").

Then since the diameter is twice the radius we get the formula:

#c = 2pi r#

expressing the length of the circumference in terms of the radius.

#pi# is an irrational number. That is it is not expressible as a fraction #p/q# for any integers #p# and #q#.

There are some useful approximations, especially the well known #22/7 = and the lesser known but much better #355/113 ~~ 3.1415929#.

To a few more decimal places we find:

#pi ~~ 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197#