How many types of joints are there in the human body?
1 Answer
Jan 12, 2017
There are three types of joints in human body:
- Fibrous/fixed joints
- Cartilagenous/slightly movable joints
- Synovial/movable joints
Fixed joints are associated with collagen rich dense connective tissue. Examples are-
- bony sutures present between skull bones.
- gomphosis present between teeth and bony socket.
Cartilagenous joints are only slightly movable. Examples are-
- intervertebral discs and
- pubic symphysis
Synovial joints are of five types:
- ball and socket type present in shoulder and hip
- hinge type present in knee and elbow
- gliding type present in wrist and ankle
- pivot type present between atlas and axis
- saddle type present at the base of thumb