How to calculate the solubility of solute in cosolvents ( water and ethanol)? Please guide me. thank you so much.

1 Answer
Jul 12, 2018

I think this is an experimental proposition....


The use of co-solvents, which proportion, and which solvents to use is ALWAYS an experimental proposition. What works, works, and you have to go to considerable time and trouble on the bench to establish the proportion.

An alternative means of crystallization (and I do not really know the particular experiment you perform), MIGHT be solvent layering. That is take the solute up in a small volume of powerful solvent, filter it, and THEN layer the solution with a new solvent in which the material is not so soluble. Layers of solvent can slowly mix at low temperature...and possibly cosolvents are hexanes/toluene, hexanes/ethanol, hexanes/methylene chloride (the more powerful is listed last).

Again, I stress that is an experimental undertaking...whose parameters you have to determine for yourself. Good luck!

Just as an example of layering consider this cocktail...

I think that consuming just ONE of these would do real damage, and you wouldn't get much work done the next day.