How to sove this "percentage" problem?

From the average value of the relative atomic mass of potassium, 39,10, the relative atomic masses of the isotopes #K^39#, 38,9637; #K^40#, 39,9639; #K^41#, 40,9693 and the percentage of the least represented isotope #K^40# 0,0117%, calculate the percentage for other isotopes, #K^39#and #K^41#. How can I solve this?

1 Answer
Jan 5, 2018

The isotopic percentages are #""^39"K" = "93,50 %"# and #""^41"K" = "6,50 %"#


The relative atomic mass is a weighted average of the individual atomic masses.

That is, we multiply each isotopic mass by its relative importance (percent or fraction of the mixture).

If we let #f_i# represent the fraction of isotope #i#, we get two equations:

#f_39 + f_40 + f_41 = 1#

#f_39 + f_41 = 1 - f_40 = 1 - "0,000 117"#

#bb((1))color(white)(m)f_39 + f_41 = "0,999 883"#

The correct atomic masses are #""^40A_text(r) = "39,9640", ""^41A_text(r) = "40,9618"#, and #A_text(r)("Ca") = "39,0983"#

#f_39 × ^39A_text(r) + f_40 × ^40A_text(r)+ f_41 × ^41A_text(r) = A_text(r)("Ca")#

#f_39 × "38,9637" + "0,000 117" × "39,9640" + f_41 × "40,9618" = "39,0983"#

#"38,9637"f_39 + "40,9618"f_41 = "39,0983 - 0,004 676"#

#bb((2))color(white)(m)"38,9637"f_39 + "40,9618"f_41 = "39,0936"#

From Equation 1,

#bb((3))color(white)(m)"f_39 = 1 - f_41#

Substitute Equation 3 into Equation 2.

#"38,9637"(1-f_41) + "40,9618"f_41 = "39,0936"#

#"38,9637"- "38,9637"f_41 + "40,9618"f_41 = "39,0936"#

#"1,9981"f_41 = "0,1299"#

#f_41 = "0,1299"/"1,9981" = "0,0650"#
#f_39 = 1 - f_41 = "1 - 0,06501 = 0,9350"#

∴ The calculated percentages are #""^39"K" = "93,50 %"# and #""^41"K" = "6,50 %"#