How was black hole created ??

1 Answer
Feb 22, 2018

Collapse of massive stars


All stars produce energy through fusion, the production of energy by fusing atoms' nuclei together.

In massive stars, the fusion occurs at a faster rate when compared to a low-mass star, for example, our Sun. Therefore, they die out faster.

When stars begin to fuse silicon into iron elements (e.g. vanadium, nickel, manganese), the star will begin to collapse; because when iron is fused, it takes more energy than it produces.

At that point, the star will begin to collapse on itself because it does not generate enough outward force to counter gravity. And as it happens, the speed of collapse becomes faster exponentially faster. When the star reaches a critical point, it collapses on itself and reaches the Schwarzschild radius, the radius in which a black hole will form, the rest of the mass is ejected in what is known as a supernova.

This is a very simple explanation of how black holes form, I have a lot of work today so I'll keep it short. Might be back to add more information.