I'm confused to comprehend the meaning of this sentence. "Now you've completely lost the tack on being a whacko/wacko in what you are writing". Please correct and explain?

2 Answers
Dec 18, 2017

The sentence means, in my view, that the person stopped being mad in writing.


"Whacko/wacko" means "a person who is regarded as eccentric or mad", according to WordNet Search.

In the sentence, "you" have been mad in what the person writes, but it is time to stop being so. He/she is not a whacko any longer.

What the sentence is trying to say, therefore, is that the person being spoken to has lost his/her ability to be crazy and unconventional in their writing.


I think perhaps the confusion might stem from the word "tack".

In this case, tack is a word from sailing and refers to how a sailboat will sail upwind - by continually changing direction to work your way against a headwind. "Tack" has expanded in meaning and also refers to the direction (or changing of directions) of your life/job/career/etc in order to better move against critics and other "headwinds".


Let's also look at "whacko/wacko". Both words ("whacko" and "wacko") both refer to being insane, crazy, unconventional, off-the-wall.

If we then look at the sentence:

Now you've completely lost the tack on being a whacko/wacko in what you are writing.

What the sentence is trying to say, therefore, is that the person being spoken to has lost his/her ability to be crazy and unconventional in their writing.