If an element has atomic number 13 an atomic mass 27 how many electrons are there in each atom of the element?

2 Answers
May 21, 2018



Atomic number tells you the number of protons in an atom. Atoms are have no charge; they are electrically neutral. Therefore, the number of protons equals the number of electrons as protons have a +1 charge and electrons have a -1 charge.

May 21, 2018

CLEARLY, there are "13 electrons...."


The "atomic number", Z, SPECIFIES the number of positively charged particles in the nucleus of the element. And Z thus specifies the identity of the element....Z=1, the element is hydrogen, Z=2, the element is helium, ……. Z=47, the element is silver.

And given Z, which specifies NUCULAR charge, electronic charge MUST be equal for electrical neutrality. And so for each of the the examples in the NEUTRAL atom....there are 1, 2, or 47 electrons respectively.

And so on the given data, I can specify the ISOTOPE as ""^27Al...13 protons, 13 electrons, and 14 neutrons...the neutrons and protons comprise the atomic nucleus. And in the nucleus these engage in the strong nuclear force, an attractive force, the which, at nuclear ranges, binds nuclei together.

This is a fundamental principle of chemistry, and periodicity, and so if there are any queries, objections, or items for clarification, ask and someone will help you.