If it takes Tim 20 minutes to bike 6 miles, how many minutes will it take him to bike 144 miles?

1 Answer
Nov 29, 2016

480 minutes (or 8 hours)


We are working with ratios so we can multiply or divide by sides by the same number an keep the ratio the same

# 20 " minutes" = 6 " miles" #

# (20 " minutes")/6 = (6 " miles")/6 #

# 10/3 " minutes" = 1 " mile" #
# 144 xx 10/3 " minutes" = 144 xx 1 " mile" #

# 480 " minutes" = 144 " miles" #

If we divide 480 by 60 to see how many hours this is it works out to be 8 hours