If our unverse would be ended what will happen because if nothing left there is nothing which causes us to raise the question how the unverse was created?

1 Answer
Feb 20, 2018

If our universe ended that would be end of all usable matter and energy.


The questions raised by the possibility of the Universe ending are " What is the nature of matter and energy, is matter eternal and self existent, why does matter and energy exist, and where did matter and energy come from.

In the early 1900's the prevailing theory was that the universe had always existed in its present state. This view called the steady state universe postulated that matter and energy were eternal and had always existed. The discovery of the expanding universe due to the red shift by Edwin Hubble disproved the steady state world view.

The steady state universe was replaced with the alternating universe theory popularly known as the rubber ball universe.
The theory was that the universe would alternate between periods of expansion or Big Bangs and periods of contractions know as the Big Crush. This view allowed the continuous of the view that matter and energy were eternal.

The studies of the supernovas ( the High Z study two others in 1997 and 1998) showed that the empirical evidence indicated that the rate of the expansion of the universe was increasing not decreasing. This means that the Big Crush will not happen and the present universe will not recycle but will end.

If the empirical evidence is to be believed then the present universe is neither eternal nor self existent. This empirical evidence indicates that the world view of material realism is not tenable. Matter and energy are therefore not eternal,nor self existent. The Density of the universe has an omega created than one and is therefore an open system and something outside of matter and energy must exist.