If the osmolarity of blood is 290 milliOsmolor, what value in mM is nM NaCl when KCl is 25 mM, MgCl2 is 25mM, Glucose is 100mM and Fructose is 30mM. what is the missing value of NaCl mM ?

1 Answer
May 7, 2018


#Pi = SigmaicRT#


#Sigmaic# is the osmolarity of the solution

In this situation, we must sum the individual osmolarities and solve for the missing parameter with our givens. For this problem, we are really only worried about osmolarity, not the osmotic pressure.


#Sigmaic = 290"mM"#


#Sigmaic = ic_(NaCl) + ic_(KCl) + ic_(MgCl_2) + ic_"glucose" + ic_"fructose" = 290"mM"#

#=> c_(NaCl) = (Sigmaic - ic_(KCl) - ic_(MgCl_2) - ic_"glucose" - ic_"fructose")/(i_(NaCl)) approx 17.5"mM"#