If the speed of a wave is 335km/s and has a wavelength of 600km what is its frequency?

1 Answer
Jun 7, 2014

The frequency is 0.558 s⁻¹.

The wavelength λ is the distance between successive peaks in a wave.


The frequency #f# of a wave is the number of complete waves that pass a point in a given time.


The formula relating the frequency #f# and wavelength λ is

#fλ = v or f = v/λ#

where #v# is the speed of the wave through the medium.

In your case, #λ# = 600 km = 600 × 10³ m and #v# = 335 km·s⁻¹ = 335 × 10³ m·s⁻¹.

#f = v/λ = (335 × 10³"m·s⁻¹")/(600 × 10³"m")# = 0.558 s⁻¹