If you accidentally drop a 50p coin (0.01kg) from the top of the shard (308m). How fast will it be travelling when it hits the ground?

1 Answer
May 1, 2018

#color(blue)(77.70ms^(-1)# 2 d.p.


The mass of the body has no relevance in free fall. Anything falling to Earth accelerates at the same rate ( in a vacuum ) #bbg#, this is the acceleration due to gravity.

We can solve this problem using the formula:



#bbv= "final velocity"#

#bbu="initial velocity"#



Before the coin is released, its velocity is zero.

The acceleration due to gravity is #~~9.8 ms^(-2)#

Distance is 308 m.

Plugging in these values.


#v=sqrt(6036.8)=77.70ms^(-1)# 2 d.p.