In the human brain, which lobe gives you sense of direction?

1 Answer
Nov 7, 2017

simple question, difficult answer....


Spatial awareness, spatial memory and navigation are primarily associated with the Hippocampus (or Hippocampi, as you actually have two of them). Part of the Limbic system, which is the layer of the brain situated directly underneath the Cerebrum (the "Main Brain")

the Limbic system actually was formulated about 50-60 years ago but is being re-appaised these days: in medical/neurological circles, it doesn't seem to be always considered a single "system" any more..

The Hippocampi are situated directly underneath the Temporal Lobes of the Cerebrum (Left and Right).

Having stated this, the Hippocampi need information about the environment of course, which is supplied by the other parts of the brain. In Humans, Visual info is VERY important. This will be supplied, via the eyes, by the Visual Cortex located in the Occipital Lobe. Other sensory information will be supplied by the Parietal Lobe, processing our sense of touch and body movement.

By the way, this sensory information will all pass through the Thalamus, another part of what used to be the Limbic System....

Finally, the Frontal Lobe(s) will be involved in the appreciation and decision-making.

So, not a simple answer as you see, and I probably forgot a few things on the way...

But if your desired answer requires only one lobe, go for the Temporal, as that is where the Hippocampi are located...