In the illustration, which site is an oceanic spreading center?

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1 Answer
Nov 2, 2017



D shows the crust spreading, the rift valley is clearly seen in the diagram. These rift valleys occur both on land as in East Africa, and under the ocean as in the between the mid atlantic ridge. If this rift valley occurred under the ocean in would result in sea floor spreading.

A. could result in sea floor spreading, The diagram appears to be a place where magma is rising due to an upwelling convection current in the magma. The arrows indicate that the crust will be spreading. This will become a center of sea floor spreading.

B. diagrams the occurrence of a hot spot. This is where there is a an upwelling of magma due the convection currents in the mantle. As the ocean crust moves over the hot spot volcanos are formed in sequence as seen in the diagram.

C. appears to illustrate a subduction zone. As one ocean crust is pushed under another ocean crust or continental crust a subduction zone is formed. The melted crust becomes magma that forms an island arc of volcanic islands.